Why choose Policy Peek?

Policy Peek provides you with insight into your existing insurance policies and legal documents, enabling you to determine whether you have adequate protection and, if not, how to achieve it.

100% Free

Get your personal protection analysis completed at no cost to you.

Easy Entry

Simply input your existing coverage details to check for any gaps in your protection.


Get feedback on your property & casualty, legal documents, and income protection.

Useful Tips

Advice on enhancing your personal protection in areas where you may be lacking.

Review everything. Protect what you desire.

Policy Peek strives to help you get and stay protected.


Protects against physical damage or bodily injury resulting from traffic collisions and against liability that could also arise from incidents in a vehicle.


Protects against damage to your home from fire, rain, heavy wind, theft, vandalism, and other disasters. It can also cover liability claims against you.


Protects beyond existing limits and coverages of other policies. Can provide coverage for injuries, property damage, certain lawsuits, and personal liability situations.

Legal Documents

A comprehensive estate plan typically include a financial power of attorney, an advance care directive (living will), and a living trust or a last will.


Protects the beneficiary’s earned income against the risk that a disability due to illness or injury creates a barrier for completion of core work functions.


Protects against the insured passing away. If the insured dies while the policy is active, the insurer pays out a claim to the named beneficiaries.

Get to a place of being properly protected.

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