Enhanced Coverage.
Increased Income.

Discover ways to improve coverage for your clients and increase your bottom line.

How can Policy Peek help your business?

Creating synergies in the protection space. Let’s get to work.

See if Policy Peek would be helpful for your clients in reviewing their P&C coverage limits, ensuring they have legal documents, and analyzing how much income protection they have.

If you think it can benefit your clients, we can send you the Policy Peek Revenue Share Agreement, which gives you a percentage of any life and disability cases that come from your clients.

You can promote the Policy Peek Protection Analysis through email, direct mail, and other ways so your clients can see how much protection they currently have.

If their P&C coverage is too low, they are recommended to contact you to review and increase these limits. If they need legal documents they are advised to contact an attorney or one of our partners to get in touch with a local attorney. If their income protection (life and disability) aren’t ideal they are suggested to contact our life and/or disability partners to increase their coverage.

If your clients increase their life and/or disability insurance with our partner, you will receive your referral incentive.

Review P&C Coverage

The Personal Protection Reviews among other elements covers the property & casualty section. As you know, the most dangerous thing the average person does every day is getting in their car and driving. This review checks their current coverage and advises them to call you if they are deficient in their auto, homeowners/renters, or do not have an umbrella policy.  

Legal Documents Assessment

Unfortunately, individuals avoid or put off completing their estate plan because it is difficult to think about or they think it is too expensive. It is usually cleaner and much less expensive to get legal documents (last will/trust, power of attorney, and living will) done on the front end. Policy Peek has partnered with a network of family planning attorneys to help your clients get their legal documents completed in whichever state they reside.

Disability Insurance Analysis

Disability insurance is under utilized for most people. Very few people would be able to continue their same standard of living if their income stopped. This is where long-term disability plays a vital role. Policy Peek has partnered with a company that focuses on disability insurance to help protect your client's income.

Life Insurance Evaluation

The vast majority of property & casualty agents also sell life insurance but most fall short in getting any or sufficient coverage for their clients. Policy Peek has partnered with a group of experts in the life insurance space to help take care of your clients and their family's needs. 

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